From an ayurvedic point of view, high heat leads to reduced metabolic activity inside the body and weakens our agni, our digestive power. Although this may seem difficult to understand at first glance, it is also a feat of our inner intelligence. Jatharagni, the main digestive fire in the gastrointestinal tract, is also the main seat of pitta. The hotter the sun shines, the weaker our Agni becomes.
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Ayurveda during menopause
In Ayurveda, women are held in high esteem because they contain the primordial feminine power that makes creation possible in the first place. Every woman matures from a young girl to an adult woman and goes through important phases in her life, such as puberty and later the menopause.
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Ayurveda attaches great importance to a balanced diet that meets the needs of the individual constitution and is beneficial to health. In addition to a diet rich in vital nutrients, it is just as important to get enough exercise every day to keep body and mind flexible and strong.
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Pregnancy and birth are significant events in a woman’s life, especially with the first child, but of course also with each subsequent one. Ayurveda has numerous recommendations for conception, pregnancy and motherhood to ensure a healthy, relaxed and happy mother and a healthy and vital baby.
In Ayurveda, pregnancy is not an accidental event, but should be carefully prepared by both partners in order to give birth to a healthy, balanced child with the best starting conditions for a fulfilled life.
Which sauna for your dosha?
Especially when it is cold and rather dark outside, we long for warmth and comfort. Be it a crackling fire in the fireplace, a warming cup of tea, a soothing bath or a visit to the sauna. Especially in winter, many people feel the need to bring in warmth from outside and really warm up inside. This is not only good for the body, but also for the soul and helps to relax the mind.
Continue readingPrana – Your Life Force
The word prana comes from Sanskrit and literally means life energy, life force or breath and can be compared conceptually with qi in traditional Chinese medicine.
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The role of sweets in Ayurveda Part II
Sugar is a real all-rounder, it has an appetizing, flavour-enhancing, nourishing, uplifting and calming effect on the mind. It is not for nothing that we crave sweets in particularly stressful phases.
We grow up with sweets from birth, because mother’s milk also has a sweet taste, which nourishes and builds up the baby in the Kapha phase of its life.
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RELAX Guide has been rating spas and wellness hotels in Austria since 1999 and in Germany since 2001. The RELAX Guide, the only critical hotel guide with more than 2,000 wellness and health hotels, offers a comprehensive overview and shows where quality can be found. The tests are anonymous and are considered the toughest in the industry.
Continue readingAyurvedic Christmas menu
Our unique dishes that harmonize body and soul – perfect for a festive season in harmony with the principles of Ayurveda. We hope you enjoy cooking and savoring them!
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Sweetness has an important place in an Ayurvedic diet as it is one of the six basic tastes: sweet, sour, salty, spicy, bitter and tart. According to Ayurveda, food containing all six tastes (Rasas) is considered highly nutritious, satiating and gratifying.
Keeping your cool when the weather is hot
From the Ayurvedic perspective, summer is the time when the fire element increases in nature, and therefore also in our physiology. With increased Pitta Dosha, the digestive power (Agni) tends to decrease. An imbalance in Pitta Dosha can cause a range of ailments such as various types of inflammation, heartburn, skin rashes, as well as fatigue and irritability.
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DGA anniversary congress, 8–11 June 2023
With these words, Dr. Ulrich Bauhofer, Ayurvedic physician and president of the German Society for Ayurveda (DGA), opened the recent anniversary congress.
What Ayurveda can tell us about rice
Rice, one of the oldest cultivated plants, plays a central role in the diet of many cultures, especially in Asia. Indian lore cherishes several legends about the origin of rice. One of them is about Shiva, one of the main deities in Hinduism.
Continue readingFasting the gentle way
The winter has been long and uncomfortable, with lots of gray, cold weather, making us long to cozy up at home with a hot cup of tea and a good book. From the Ayurvedic viewpoint, in particular the second half of winter is characterized by an increase of Kapha Dosha in the physiology. If unbalanced, this can manifest itself in various ways, like sluggishness, weight gain and an increased susceptibility to respiratory problems.
Supporting the intestines in a meaningful way – using prebiotics and probiotics in an Ayurvedic therapy
Due to our modern lifestyle, characterized by reduced exercise, eating heavily processed foods and high toxin exposure, our intestines are often strained beyond the breaking point.
Continue readingDetox infusion
Would you like to give your intestines a treat? Then try our recipe for a detox infusion.
Our intestines and our state of mind
Most people are aware of the fact that intestinal bacteria play a key role in our health. What is less well-known, however, is the connection between the intestines and the brain, which is called the gut-brain axis. Like a busy highway, it carries a constant, lively exchange of information.
Continue readingLosing weight without stress
Now that the new year is a few weeks old already, we hope that the resolutions for 2023 have not yet been thrown overboard. With growing health awareness, losing excess pounds is high on the wish list for many people, along with adopting better eating habits, getting more exercise and spending more time with friends and family.
Continue readingCongratulations to our doctor Aurel Christ!
Our doctor Aurel Christ has completed the Ayurveda course, the Master’s examination and his Master’s thesis at Middlesex University, London with Distinction and the grade 1. He now holds the title “Master of Science in Ayurvedic Medicine”.
Continue readingAn easy-going Christmas season with Ayurveda
The year is coming to a close and we are in the Advent season, during which every Sunday, one more candle is lit on the Advent wreath. It’s a time characterized by decreasing daylight, until the solstice on 21 December, when the days slowly begin to lengthen again. The lack of light outside is conducive
to going within.