Generally, Ayurveda highly recommends unburdening by liquid fasting once a week, especially for people with predominance of Pitta or Kapha Dosha. People with predominance of Vata Dosha are advised to take liquid diet days only when they feel relaxed and well-anchored.
Around Christmas, Easter, and other festive occasions when we tend to eat too much and too rich food, drink alcohol, and get very little exercise, inserting one day to disburden can bring great relief. It is a proactive way to prevent overloading one’s physiology. Without it, the body can’t properly process all that food, typically taken late in the day as well, and literally clogs up.
Ayurveda has a name for the residue of incomplete digestion: Ama. Ama clogs up the subtle channels and spaces in the body, which leads to many disorders.
To clear out Ama, Ayurveda advises having periodic liquid diet days. According to the classical texts, those who take only liquids once a week live many years longer in full health.
This weekly routine is most important for people with a surplus of Kapha. Also people with a predominance of Pitta Dosha, who have a tendency to eat more than they should, benefit greatly from liquid fasting one day a week.
Flushing out toxins
On your liquid fasting day, you can still have lots of variety: fresh vegetable soups, rice soup and other cereal soups, teas, freshly-pressed juices from various fruits and vegetables. Please note that dairy products are “out” on this day. Drink hot water every half an hour; also keep half an hour between drinking water and taking soup or juice. An important point is to make sure that you feel good throughout; there should be no forcing yourself or going hungry! The next day you slowly return to your normal diet.
Such a regular “unburdening day” is of great benefit: by getting rid of large amounts of Ama once a week you remove the grounds for latent disorders and allow existing ones to improve gradually.